Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Got up early planning on working on some "bling" but ended up driving to the west side of town to retrieve some spools of thread Glory left at our GWTA meeting last Saturday night. We took them to match the color of one of the members bikes. Stopped at Hobby Lobby and found some styrofoam cones needed to make more christmas trees for the club. Glory volunteered to make some for table decorations at our Christmas party this year. Also stopped at Micheals on the east side to pick up a t-shirt. They have a pretty good deal right now. 2 for $5. Came home and found Panda limping pretty bad. He and Maggie must have got in an argument. It's been coming as he tries to act like he's the boss occasionally. She must have disagreed this time. He's doing better today but still limping. Probably more for sympathy than anything. Hope to work on the bling and the website today. Need pics for the website but will probably post without them.


Sharon said...

Poor Panda........

Misty said...

Hey Roger! How are ya? This is Misty McGregor. I thought I'd stop by and see what you were up too. Okay the pictures on the side kind of freak me out. But i can see how you think they are funny. ha ha ha.... the indian woman with the spikes on her head, kind of scary lookin. he he he... hope all is well. Hope you enjoy the blooging world. It's addicting. Take care!

Misty said...

i meant bloging.. not blooging. Good grief! :) You'd think I let Landon write it.